Saturday, March 21, 2015

Cleaning Is Just Hiding Things In Less Obvious Places

Cleaning is not one of my favorite pastimes. Throughout my life I have employed many tactics in order to avoid having to actually do any cleaning. 

The first option is to cajole some poor unsuspecting soul to do it for you. This tactic is my personal favorite as it requires minimum effort (on my part) and can be highly effective (depending on the person that you've coaxed into helping you). Unfortunately it requires having people around to help you and as I happen to live alone, is not a viable option.

Willful ignorance is another option. This can be fun for the first week or so where you pretend that sidestepping piles of dirty laundry is a great way to get in a quick morning workout. If you can tolerate the inevitable weird smells that come from occasionally forgetting to take out your garbage and rarely washing your dishes than this method is just right for you.

I don't particularly enjoy digging through mountains of questionably clean clothes in order to get dressed in the morning and I only have so many dishes. While this is great for some people, it never quite worked out for me.

My last resort is to simply "pretend" to clean. The trick here is to learn how to hide things in less obvious places so that it appears like you're a functioning adult that knows how to take care of themselves. This involves taking everything that you don't want people to see, and shoving into a closet or under your bed. 

If you want to get really fancy, spray some air freshener around your place so that it smells like a pine forest (or some other extremely natural scent that no one will ever guess came out of a can). If that doesn't impress your friends, I don't know what will!

On an unrelated note, I would advise against opening any cabinets in my apartment. Partly for your own safety and partly because having to explain how you ended up being immobilized under a pile of clothing and other assorted items to an EMT might get a little awkward. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Importance Of Labeling

Chili powder is one of my favorite ingredients. I do not like spicy food but for some reason, I have the need to add chili powder to almost everything that I cook.

The other night I finished off the last of my chili powder and decided to use the empty container to store my taco seasoning in. Unfortunately I forgot to relabel the container and ended up sprinkling a generous amount of taco seasoning onto my potatoes this morning.

As I have mentioned in the past, mornings are generally a rough time for me. It takes some time for my brain to wake up causing even the simplest of tasks, to be an uphill battle.

This morning was no different than any other. As soon as a realized my mistake, I began to panic. Despite the early hour, I was fairly certain that taco seasoning had no place being in my breakfast. I spent a goodly amount of time staring at the pan and wondering what I was supposed to do.

Sadly, the potatoes in the pan were the only ones that I had in the apartment and I was pretty set on having potatoes with my breakfast. I cautiously tasted the potatoes and determined that they weren't awful.

Hallelujah, Breakfast could still be saved!

I like both tacos and potatoes. Obviously adding taco-like ingredients to the potatoes could only make them better, right?


At this point there was really no going back and I was hungry. Committed to my cause, I wrapped my mess up in a tortilla and ate it anyways.

It was not delicious.

I'd rate it a solid 6/10, would probably not eat again.